●● 熱き思い ジェームス・アール・ジョーンズと言えば、映画ファンには「スター・ウォーズ」のダースベイダーの声で有名ですね。ブラックムービーファンには「星の王子NYへ行く」で厳格なアフリカの国王を演じたので有名ですね。私は、「バーノン・ジョンズ物語」で主役を演じたジョーンズが好きです。「Heat Wave」も好きです。「Great White Hope/ボクサー」では、オスカー主演男優にノミネートされる迫真の演技でした。マジメな役ばかりでなく、ロバート・タウンゼントの「メテオマン」では、変てこなカツラを被りまくるジョーンズが最高に面白く、それだけでなくホロりとさせてくれましたね。
彼の素晴らしさは声だけじゃないんだけどなーと、ブラックムービー以外では声ばかりが評価されているのが残念な所です。 |
●● バイオ ミシシッピ州アーカブトラで生まれたジェームス・アール・ジョーンズ。父親は後に俳優となったロバート・アール・ジョーンズだが、ジェームスが生まれる前に両親は離婚し、祖父母の元で生まれ育った。5歳の頃にミシガン州の過疎化された町の農家に越した。その頃になると親が居ないショックから、どもりが酷くなった。どもるので、言葉を発しなくなったジェームスは、詩を書く事で自分を表現した。それは高校生になるまで続いた。詩の才能とジェームスのどもりを直したいと思った高校の先生が、毎日クラスの前で詩の朗読をする事を勧めた。始めは嫌がっていたジェームスだが、仕方なく詩の朗読をするようになり、学校の弁論大会で優勝して、話す事に自信を取り戻したという。さらには、その弁論大会で優勝した事も手伝って、ミシガン大学の奨学金を手に入れた。最初は薬学を専攻していたが、その頃から演劇に興味を持ち始めて、演劇を学ぶようになった。学生時代には、アメリカ陸軍のレンジャー隊の士官として、アラスカに駐在していた。
陸軍を除隊した後は、ニューヨークに移り演劇の勉強をしていた。月19ドルの簡素なアパートに住みながら、掃除夫の仕事をしながら、小さな舞台に立っていた。彼が俳優として認識されるようになったのは、1961年の舞台「The Blacks」での事だった。ロスコー・リー・ブラウンやレイモンド・サン・ジャックス、シシリー・タイソン、マヤ・アンジェロウが出演した舞台で一躍注目を集めた。その次の年の「Moon on A Rainbow Shawl」では、舞台の名誉ある賞のオビー賞を受賞している。
映画では1964年に「Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb/博士の異常な愛情」に出演したが、注目される事はなかった。幾つかの昼ドラ(ソープドラマ)にゲスト出演した後に、1967年にエリザベス・テイラー主演の「The Comedians」にシシリー・タイソンやレイモンド・サン・ジャックスと共に出演。
1968年には、ジェームスにとっては転機が訪れる。実在するボクサージャック・ジョンソン(劇中はジャック・ジェファーソン)を題材した舞台「The Great White Hope」の主演に選ばれる。ジャック・ジョンソンというスキャンダラスな言動や行動が多かったが、差別に毅然として戦った偉大なチャンピオン・ボクサーを体当たりで熱演したジェームスは、舞台最高峰の賞トニー賞の主演男優賞を手にいれる。さらには、この舞台が映画化される事になり、映画でも舞台と同じくジェームスとジェーン・アレクサンダーが選ばれて、2人はそろってアカデミー賞の主演にノミネートされた。惜しくも受賞は逃したが、主演俳優としての印象を残すのには十分な結果だった。
ジェームスは主演男優として、シェークスピアの「リア王」のテレビ映画版では、主役のリア王を演じたり、当時人気実力共にナンバーワン女優だったダイアン・キャロルと共演した「Claudine/愛しのクローディン」や、舞台が話題になった「The River Niger」でもシシリー・タイソンとルイ・ゴセット・ジュニアと共演した。
映画でも主演・共演として活躍する一方で、その声を生かした仕事も数多くこなす、大御所俳優だ。 |
●● トリビア & etc... CNNの有名なフレーズ「This is CNN」は、ジェームスの声によるもの。
●● 主演作 >> 2004: A Light Knight's Odyssey (2007) (voice) .... The Professor>> Click (2006) (uncredited) (voice) .... Narrator of Michael's Past >> Scary Movie 4 (2006) (uncredited) .... Narrator >> The Benchwarmers (2006) (voice) .... Darth Vader >> The Magic 7 (2006) (TV) (voice) .... 5-Toe >> Kingdom Hearts II (2005) (VG) (archive sound) .... Mufasa >> The Reading Room (2005) (TV) .... William Campbell >> Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) (voice) (uncredited) .... Darth Vader >> The Sandlot 2 (2005) (V) .... Mr. Mertle >> Robots (2005) (voice) .... Voice Box at Hardware Store >> Feast of All Saints (2001) (TV) .... Older Marcel >> Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street (2001) (V) .... Santa Claus >> Finder's Fee (2001) .... Avery Phillips >> Disney's American Legends (2001) (V) .... Host >> Nine Dog Christmas (2001) (V) (voice) .... Narrator >> Santa and Pete (1999) (TV) .... Grandpa Nicholas >> The Annihilation of Fish (1999) .... Fish >> Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun (1999) (VG) .... General Solomon >> Undercover Angel (1999) .... The Judge >> Summer's End (1999) (TV) .... Dr. William 'Bill' Blakely >> On the Q.T. (1999) .... Leo >> Our Friend, Martin (1999) (V) (voice) .... Daddy King >> The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) (V) (voice) .... Mufasa >> Merlin (1998/II) (TV) (voice) .... Mountain King >> Alone (1997) (TV) .... Grey >> What the Deaf Man Heard (1997) (TV) .... Archibald Thacker >> Gang Related (1997) .... Arthur Baylor >> Casper: A Spirited Beginning (1997) (TV) (voice) .... Kibosh >> The Second Civil War (1997) (TV) .... Jim Kalla >> Monopoly Star Wars (1997) (VG) (voice) .... Darth Vader >> Timepiece (1996) (TV) .... Lawrence >> Rebound: The Legend of Earl 'The Goat' Manigault (1996) (TV) .... Dr. McDuffie >> Good Luck (1996) (uncredited) .... James Bing >> A Family Thing (1996) .... Ray Murdock >> Cry, the Beloved Country (1995) .... Rev Stephen Kumalo >> Judge Dredd (1995) (voice) (uncredited) .... Narrator >> Jefferson in Paris (1995) .... Madison Hemings >> "Under One Roof" (1995) TV Series .... Neb Langston >> Signs and Wonders (1995) (TV) .... Diamond >> People: A Musical Celebration (1995) (TV) .... The Storyteller >> Bah, Humbug!: The Story of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' (1994) (TV) .... Narrator/Ebenezer Scrooge >> Clear and Present Danger (1994) .... Adm. James Greer >> The Lion King (1994) (voice) .... King Mufasa >> Twilight Zone: Rod Serling's Lost Classics (1994) (TV) .... Host >> Clean Slate (1994) .... John Dolby >> Confessions: Two Faces of Evil (1994) (TV) .... Charles Lloyd >> The Vernon Johns Story (1994) (TV) .... Vernon Johns >> Under a Killing Moon (1994) (VG) .... The Big P.I. in the Sky >> The Lion King (1994) (VG) (voice) .... Mufasa >> Percy & Thunder (1993) (TV) .... Percy >> The Meteor Man (1993) .... Earnest Moses >> Excessive Force (1993) .... Jake >> The Sandlot (1993) .... Mr. Mertle >> The Parsley Garden (1993) (TV) >> Sommersby (1993) .... Judge Barry Conrad Issacs >> Dreamrider (1993) .... William Perry >> Sneakers (1992) .... Bernard Abbott, NSA >> Freddie as F.R.O.7 (1992) (voice) .... Narrator - American Version >> Patriot Games (1992) .... Adm. James Greer >> Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama (1992) .... Narrator >> The Second Coming (1992) .... Narrator >> "Pros and Cons" (1991) TV Series .... Gabriel Bird >> Scorchers (1991) .... Bear >> Grim Prairie Tales (1990) .... Morrison >> The Ambulance (1990) .... Lieutenant Spencer >> Ivory Hunters (1990) (TV) .... Inspector Nkuru >> Heat Wave (1990) (TV) .... Junius Johnson >> Last Flight Out (1990) (TV) .... Al Topping >> By Dawn's Early Light (1990) (TV) .... Looking Glass General - 'Alice' >> The Hunt for Red October (1990) .... Admiral James Greer >> Teach 109 (1990) (TV) .... Dr. Winston >> Convicts (1990) .... Ben >> Best of the Best (1989) .... Coach Couzo >> Field of Dreams (1989) .... Terence "Terry" Mann >> Three Fugitives (1989) .... Dugan >> The Hunting of the Snark (1989) .... Narrator >> "Long Ago and Far Away" (1989) TV Series .... Host >> Coming to America (1988) .... King Jaffe Joffer >> Lone Star Kid (1988) (TV) >> Terrorgram (1988) (voice) .... Voice of Retribution >> Matewan (1987) .... 'Few Clothes' Johnson >> Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night (1987) (voice) .... Emperor of the Night >> My Little Girl (1987) .... Ike Bailey >> Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold (1987) .... Umslopogaas >> Gardens of Stone (1987) .... Sgt. Maj.'Goody' Nelson >> Soldier Boys (1987) (TV) >> Soul Man (1986) .... Professor Banks >> City Limits (1985) .... Albert >> "Me and Mom" (1985) TV Series .... Lou Garfield >> "The Atlanta Child Murders" (1985) (mini) TV Series .... Major Walker >> The Vegas Strip War (1984) (TV) .... Jack Madrid >> Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) (voice) .... Voice of Darth >> Star Wars (1983) (VG) (voice) .... Darth Vader >> Blood Tide (1982) .... Frye >> Amy & the Angel (1982) (TV) .... The Angel Gabriel >> Conan the Barbarian (1982) .... Thulsa Doom >> The Flight of Dragons (1982) (voice) .... Ommadon >> "Freedom to Speak" (1982) (mini) TV Series .... Frederick Douglass/Martin Luther King Jr. >> The Bushido Blade (1981) .... The Prisoner >> The Creation (1981) .... Narrator >> The Golden Moment: An Olympic Love Story (1980) (TV) .... Dane Oliver >> Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (voice) (uncredited) .... Voice of Darth Vader >> Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (1980) (TV) .... Father Divine >> "Paris" (1979) TV Series .... Detective Capt. Woodrow 'Woody' Paris (1979-80) >> Paul Robeson (1979) (TV) .... Paul Robeson >> "Roots: The Next Generations" (1979) (mini) TV Series .... Alex Haley >> The 'Star Wars' Holiday Special (1978) (TV) (voice) .... Darth Vader >> The Greatest Thing That Almost Happened (1977) (TV) .... Morris Bird, Jr. >> A Piece of the Action (1977) .... Joshua Burke >> The Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977) .... Sheikh >> Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) .... Older Kokumo >> Star Wars (1977) (voice) .... Darth Vader >> The Greatest (1977) .... Malcolm X >> "Jesus of Nazareth" (1977) (mini) TV Series .... Balthazar >> Deadly Hero (1976) .... Rabbit >> Swashbuckler (1976) .... Nick Debrett ... aka Scarlet Buccaneer (UK) >> The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings (1976) .... Leon Carter, All-Star (C) >> The River Niger (1976) .... Johnny Williams >> "Vegetable Soup" (1976) TV Series .... Long John Spoilsport >> The UFO Incident (1975) (TV) .... Barney Hill >> The Cay (1974) (TV) .... Timothy >> Claudine (1974) .... Roop >> King Lear (1974) (TV) .... King Lear >> "Black Omnibus" (1973) TV Series .... Host (1973) >> The Man (1972) .... Douglass Dilman >> The Great White Hope (1970) .... Jack Jefferson >> End of the Road (1970) .... Doctor D >> The Comedians (1967) .... Dr. Magiot >> "The Guiding Light" (1952) TV Series .... Dr. Jim Frazier #2 (1966) >> "As the World Turns" (1956) TV Series .... Dr. Jerry Turner (1966) >> Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) .... Lt. Lothar Zogg >> "East Side/West Side" .... Joe (1 episode, 1963) >> "Look Up and Live" .... Book (1 episode) |
●● 受賞歴 >> Academy Awards, USA 1971 Nominated Oscar Best Actor in a Leading Role for: The Great White Hope >> CableACE Awards 1991 Won ACE Supporting Actor in a Movie or Miniseries for: Heat Wave (TV) 1987 Nominated ACE Actor in a Comedy Series for: "Faerie Tale Theatre" >> Character and Morality in Entertainment Awards 2006 Won Camie for: The Reading Room (TV) >> DVD Exclusive Awards 2006 Won Best Supporting Actor (in a DVD Premiere Movie) for: The Sandlot 2 (V) 2003 Won Best Actor in a DVD Premiere Movie for: Finder's Fee >> Daytime Emmy Awards 2000 Won Outstanding Performer in a Children's Special for: Summer's End >> Emmy Awards 2004 Nominated Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series for: "Everwood" 1997 Nominated Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for: "Frasier" 1995 Nominated Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for: "Under One Roof" 1994 Nominated Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series for: "Picket Fences" 1991 Won Emmy Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series for: "Gabriel's Fire" 1991 Won Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Special for: Heat Wave (TV) 1990 Nominated Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Special for: By Dawn's Early Light (TV) 1964 Nominated Outstanding Single Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for: "East Side/West Side" >> Golden Globes, USA 1992 Nominated Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series - Drama for: "Pros and Cons" 1991 Nominated Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series - Drama for: "Gabriel's Fire 1975 Nominated Best Motion Picture Actor - Musical/Comedy for: Claudine 1971 Won Most Promising Newcomer - Male for: The Great White Hope 1971 Nominated Golden Globe Best Motion Picture Actor - Drama for: The Great White Hope >> Image Awards 1998 Nominated Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for: "Frasier" 1996 Nominated Outstanding Lead Actor in a Motion Picture for: Cry, the Beloved Country 1996 Nominated Outstanding Performance in an Animated/Live-Action/Dramatic Youth or Children's Series/Special for: "Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child" 1993 Won Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, Mini-Series or Television Movie for: "Gabriel's Fire" >> Independent Spirit Awards 1988 Nominated Best Supporting Male for: Matewan >> Joseph Plateau Awards 1995 Won Joseph Plateau Life Achievement Award >> Kansas City Film Critics Circle Awards 1996 Won Best Actor for: Cry, the Beloved Country >> Method Fest 2001 Won Lifetime Achievement Award >> National Board of Review, USA 1995 Won Career Achievement Award >> Screen Actors Guild Awards 1996 Nominated Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for: Cry, the Beloved Country >> USA Film Festival 1995 Won Master Screen Artist Tribute >> Tony Award 2005 Nominated Best Actor in a Play for : On Golden Pond 1987 Won Best Actor in Play for: Fences 1969 Won Best Actor in Play for:The Great White Hope >> Drama Desk Award 1987 Won Outstanding Actor in a Play for: Fences 1978 Nominated Outstanding Actor in a Play for: Paul Robeson 1973 Won Outstanding Performance for: "Hamlet" & "The Cherry Orchard" 1971 Won Outstanding Performance for: Les Blancs 1969 Won Outstanding Performance for: The Great White Hope 1965 Won Vernon Rice-Drama Desk Award for : Othello >> Theatre World Award 1962 Won Theatre World Award for: "Moon on a Rainbow Shawl" |
●● 関連記事 |
●● インフォサイト http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000469/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Earl_Jones http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_p.php?num_p=38660 |